Failure of the Revolution – Jerry, Grade 7

Failure of the Revolution – Jerry, Grade 7

Failure of the Rebellion

People should not believe in others too easily because others can manipulate them into doing something wrong or believing in something wrong. In the story Animal Farm by George Orwell, a group of farm animals kicks out the owner and takes over the farm, naming it “Animal Farm.” The revolution is meant to improve the lives of all the animals, but Napoleon, a cruel leader, abuses his power and makes the entire revolution fail. Because of this, the pigs get out of control breaking and changing all the rules they have made. Through his novel, George Orwell shows that the revolution fails because the animals put too much trust in a certain species of animals, most of the animals are illiterate, and all of the animals rely on one leader instead of a leadership council.

The first reason why the revolution fails is that the animals put too much trust in a certain species of animals. They rely on a certain class, race, or group of society. In the story, all the animals put all of their trust in the pigs since they are literate and smart. The pigs can break the rules anytime and say that they changed and changing the seven commandments all the time confuses the rest of the animals. When Muriel sees a pig sleeping on the bed she talks to them saying “read me the Fourth Commandment. Does it not say something about never sleeping in a bed?” The pig finds an excuse saying, “it says, No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets,” she announced finally” as a way to defend herself. Because of how much the animals put their trust in the pigs and Napoleon, they think whatever they say or do is right and so they just agree with them. For example, when Clover catches the pigs breaking a commandment and the pigs just say they changed it, without checking, she instantly believes because of how much trust she put in the pigs. People should never put too much trust in a certain species because they can be fooled easily into doing or saying bad things.

Another reason why the revolution fails is that most of the animals are illiterate. Since most animals cannot read or write, the animals who know how to read and write can change and make things up and tell lies about what is written and the others would not even notice a thing. Because of this, they used this advantage and abused others. Some animals like Boxer try to learn the alphabet but fail. For example, when Boxer tries to learn how to read and write, “He would trace out A, B, C, D, in the dust with his great hoof, and then would stand staring at the letters with his ears back, sometimes shaking his forelock, trying with all his might to remember what came next and never succeeding.” Even with all the effort, he put in, he never succeeded in remembering them. Other animals like Mollie refused to learn. They think it is useless or that it will not help them much because some of them already knew. When Boxer tried to convince Mollie into learning as he did, “Mollie refused to learn any but the six letters which spelled her own name.” Other animals would want to try as well but they failed just like Boxer and most of them cannot get past the letter A. Because of this, the pigs took advantage. They learned how to read and write a long time ago and because the others cannot, they changed the rules and made things up so that the other animals did and believed whatever they said or told. Learning how to read and write is an extremely important thing because it can help people understand things on their own so others can not change what was written and make random things up.

Lastly, the revolution fails because they rely on one leader instead of a leadership council. Since Napoleon is the only leader who has power over everything, he can do anything whenever he wants like how once he dislikes the idea of how there being meetings on Sunday so “he announced that from now on the Sunday-morning meetings would come to an end, they were unnecessary….” Since the animals put too much trust in him, they agree instantly. Someday after Napoleon completely took over the leadership role and with Snowball gone, he called all the animals for a meeting. While the animals were waiting, he “finally raised his trotter for silence and announced that he had already made all the arrangements.” At first, there were some complaints, but after that, all the animals agreed to all the new arrangements like how “from now on the pigs would get up an hour later in the mornings than the other animals, no complaint was made about that either.” People should never have just one leader because one leader has all the power and can do whatever they want but everyone in a leadership council needs to agree in order to let that thing be done or told.

In conclusion, the revolution fails because the animals put too much trust in a certain species of animals, most of the animals are illiterate, and all of the animals rely on one leader instead of a leadership council. Animal Farm is completely different from Canada because Canada is a great country since the government needs the authority of Canadians in order to do something. Most Canadians are also literate because most of them get a good education and most people do not put too much trust in someone unlike what the animals do in Animal Farm. Because of this, Canada has turned out to be a great country unlike how the revolution failed in Animal farm. People should definitely not act the way the animals do, and instead do the opposite of what the animals do so they can have a better future and make the world a better place.