Category: Resources
Adult ESL: Car Services in Ontario
The following document includes various conversations that you may have at your dealership, the tire center, etc. in Ontario.
Layers of Themes
There are four levels of themes, and if you are aiming for the 90s, you need to get as close as you can to a level 4 theme in your literary essays.
Rhetorical Devices Quizlet – Judy, Grade 11
Rhetoric is defined as “the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.” There are many rhetorical devices, some of which are used on a daily basis. For instance, the sentence, “The car wouldn’t start this time, but at least it didn’t catch on fire,” contains a rhetorical device called antanagoge, …
How to Write Clear Topic Sentences
Writing a clear topic sentence isn’t always easy, is just an understatement of the problem. In fact, even after years of writing, many high school students still produce vague topic sentences, which cost them their level 4. The following is a list of factors that should be considered when writing a topic sentence. …
Elements of Diction
In this document, I have listed five important elements that you need to take into account in order to improve your diction or the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing. These five elements can help you not only refine your own diction but also analyze it …
Figurative Language
Figurative language is language that is not meant literally. For instance, the understatement in “Do you have a second?” is a figurative device, since, if taken literally, it can lead to a misunderstanding. However, alliteration is not a figurative device; it is a sound device. This list is by no …
English Tenses
This is a wonderful resource for both ESL educators and ESL students. The document contains all the 12 English tenses and provides the main concepts for each tense along with a few examples. I have created this presentation for my ESL students, and I am sure there are many out …