Writing Riot

Bad Choices – Ray, Grade 7

This personal narrative is written by one of my grade 7 students. The narrative is very detailed and contains some literary devices, which make it more interesting to read. The sudden feeling of regret that the writer experiences when he looks at the photos, unable to find himself in any of them, can resonate with many young teenagers, who may prefer playing on their electronic devices to spending time with their families. Finally, instead of presenting a sweet cliché moral at the end, the narrative ends with a sense of regret, which, for sure, can have a more powerful impact on the readers.

Focus – Alan, Grade 8

This personal narrative is written by one of my grade 8 students. He has successfully sequenced the events leading to the climax, which is descriptively depicted, helping readers to vividly imagine the scene. He has used some of the elements of fiction, such as dialogue and foreshadowing to make the narrative an interesting piece to read. He has also used a number of literary devices, such as simile, and imagery, to help readers imagine the events in the plot. Finally, he has presented his thesis clearly at the end of the story.

Unexpected Gift – Eric, Grade 7

This personal narrative is written by one of my grade 7 students. He has used some of the elements of fiction, such as dialogue, flashback, suspense, to make the narrative an interesting piece to read. He has also used a number of literary devices, such as simile, and imagery, to help readers imagine the events in the story. Finally, he has presented his thesis clearly at the end of the story.